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Gather a bit more knowledge about the individual massage you require, this way you will know what to expect when I come to see you...but if you have anymore questions then please get in touch....Enjoy, Rachel :)


Sports/Deep Tissue Massage

Common Symptoms(why you may be looking for this type of massage in the first instance):


     General Aches and Pains - Anxiety and Depression - Stiff neck -

 Sore, tight shoulders - Tennis elbow - Frozen shoulder - High blood pressure

Irritable knees - Postural problems - Headaches - Lower back pain - Sciatica -

Tense & Tight Muscles - Stressed - Irregular sleep - Irregular hormone balance.


First Actuality:

First, I just want to clear a few misguided facts that are lingering

around out there and should be put straight...I cannot stress enough how  far

this next statement is from the truth.. "Sports Massage and Deep Tissue Massage are

ONLY for athletes/sporty people", pffft!!! It would be silly and unrealistic to say that only athletes/sporty people suffer from the above symptoms, anybody can. So, to be clear ANYONE can have a Sports or Deep Tissue Massage


Second Actuality:

Secondly, I want to clarify that these types of massages don’t have to have you crying in pain for them to be a success! Yes they may be a little painful, and no, you’re probably not going to fall asleep. Nevertheless, I need your muscles relaxed enough for me to work deep within and release any tightness/tension which is causing the problems…so if you are under intense pain, practically crying then it is unlikely your muscles will be relaxed…just saying ☺s however, as we are working so deeply on the muscle it is likely to suffer from a little bruising, I'll always exaplin this at the massage.


About the Massage:

The reason I have added them together (Sports & Deep Tissue) under the same umbrella is because I use techniques from both massage titles to get the best results for my clients, obviously by discussing it with you prior the massage! I won’t just start pressing my elbow in your back without clearing it with you first…don't panic!!
























Sports Massage works to realign the muscle fibres and connective tissue, flushing away the toxins and reducing chronic pain via trigger point therapy, this can be uncomfortable but, here we will work together to apply the right amount of pressure. A number of different techniques may be used: hands, thumbs, fists, forearms and elbows to stretch each muscle and fascia layer, bringing it back to its natural state. With regular sessions you can expect to gain some of the  benefits listed below:

Deep Tissue Massage is a firm, deep pressure of slow, gliding strokes. The focus is on the deepest layers of muscle tissue, tendons and fascia (the protective layer surrounding muscles, bones and joints). Again this can cause discomfort, a tickly, scratchy sensation, but it comes with great end results, which are also listed below:

A few of the many Benefits:

Reduce the risk of injury during exercise - Reduces chronic pain -

 Improved physical performance  - Rehabilitates injured muscles -

Body releases neurotransmitters called endorphins (these make you HAPPY) ☺ 

Minimal muscle tension - Higher range of movement and flexibility - Break-up of scar tissue -

Improved recovery from raised blood circulation - Improved relaxation, decreased anxiety and depression 

- Increased range of movement - Decreased aches and pains -

Prevent or relieve delayed onset of muscle soreness - Stress and pain reduction.





                                                                  Rehab Exercises and Stretches:

For this massage, and where I feel it would be beneficial for the client (in any other massage too), I will supply stretches and light exercises for you to carry out in between sessions. This will help maintain the work we have achieved during that session and help to achieve speedier results.


Pre and Postnatal Pregnancy Massage

Massage therapy throughout and after pregnancy is a wonderful choice of complementary care, a healthy way to reduce stress and promote overall wellness. I would like to highlight that this is a more relaxing massage for mother and baby during pregnancy, no trigger releases or knuckles deep in shoulders  for this one I’m afraid! The reason behind this is because the blood pressure increases by up to 50% and this is  too high a risk for mother and baby. We go the opposite way and make it as relaxing and "chilled out" as possible. Don’t get me wrong I can still eliminate any sore, tight muscles, but just with more relaxing techniques. For postnatal you chose your desired pressure.

Another point I will raise now is that I am unable to massage anyone during the first trimester (up to 13 weeks of pregnancy) due to insurance purposes.

What I will do for you:

During and after pregnancy is not always a very joyful, fun experience, so when I come to you and you're feeling exhausted and uncomfortable, I will  help you unwind, relax and feel wonderful again.

Common issues you may be suffering with:

Massage assists in remedying many of the common discomforts experienced during pregnancy:

Muscular discomforts, Neck tightness, Lower and upper back pain, Headaches, Leg cramps, Sciatica, General stiffness, Tension and knots, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Heartburn and acid reflux, Fatigue, Varicose veins, Nasal congestion, Shortness of breath, Leg swelling, Interscapular pain, Sacroiliac and Hip joint pain and Constipation.

The Massage:

First things first, to begin, an eye mask is supplied which will help no-end in taking you to a world of relaxation...☺☺. 

The massage will begin with you laying on your left side. Any support needed throughout the massage is provided by plump pillows to take the pressure off you supporting yourself. Once comfortable and in this position I will use  firm strokes on the upper shoulders and neck, releasing  tension, built up stress, worry and anxiety. I will then apply long, soothing massage strokes on your upper, mid and lower back, concentrating throughout on the areas which are causing you the most discomfort (this will be discussed prior).

I will then ask you to sit up, the couch will be rearranged,  the pillows are placed accurately,  you will then lay on your back, fully lifted and supported by pillows. This is to avoid any pressure on your Vena Cava (the vein responsible to circulate the blood back to the heart from the lower body) if pressure is applied here then it can make you feel dizzy and light headed so I think you will agree, we avoid this! Once comfortably positioned on your back I will massage your upper and lower legs, and of course your hard-working feet, eliminating tiredness and renewing your muscles to a happy, positive place quickly recharging the whole body.

I then massage your arms on both sides from your shoulders, right down to your hands and even your individual digits. Gentle and soothing strokes are applied to the upper chest. The treatment ends with  pressure points applied around the forehead and hair line.

This massage will reinvigorate, refresh and ensure you feel stress and ache free

and feeling happily comfortable again.

Some of the many Benefits:

The benefits of prenatal massage include a wide range of physiological, emotional and psychological benefits.

• Alleviates stress on weight-bearing joints and musculo-fascial structures.

• Increases blood circulation, which provides more oxygen and nutrients to both mother and baby and stimulates the lymph system, thereby increasing immunity and removal of toxins.

• Stabilises hormonal levels and helps relieve depression or anxiety caused by hormonal changes.

• Soothes and relaxes the nervous system by releasing endorphins into the mothers body. As a result, the expectant mother feels more relaxed and at ease, and will also sleep more easily and deeply.

• Assists in maintaining good posture and adjusting to a changing alignment caused by the babys increasing weight. Massage increases muscle tone and flexibility, enhancing the ability to carry this extra weight while also relieving aches and pains, leg cramps and muscle spasms.

• Eases the extra stress on the heart and helps keep blood pressure in check.

• Enhances the pliability of skin and underlying tissues.

• Prepares the mother-to-be for an easier delivery with its sedating effect on the nervous system, promoting relaxation and stress relief.

• Offers a natural, safe, drug-free alternative choice for pain relief, since taking medication is often limited during pregnancy for the sake of the baby.

• Helps keep the skin moisturised and reduce stretch marks.

Popular Questions:

What shall I wear? Wear a dressing gown back-to-front and some shorts

and a bikini top (this is so I can easily access your back area).

Where are you based? I'm mobile, so I come to you, this massage is

in the comfort of your own home, so please feel at ease.

I need the toilet every 20 minutes? We can pause the massage at any point, the most important thing is for you is to recieve a relaxing massage. If you need the toilet half way through please say as it won't be as relaxing.

How long should I have? The massage I covered above is based on a one hour session. Each massage is tailored to the individual. Really it depends on you and what you're feeling. In a pregnancy massage to receive the full relaxation benefits, the minimum is 60 minutes (90 and  120 minutes are also available).

How often should I have one? Totally up to you, my  recommendation is monthly. This will keep you totally on top of your forever changing body. (A great idea is to suggest it to friends and family for a baby shower gift, I've put some packages together as this is a popular request, it's cheaper too).

I hope this has covered most of your queries, please contact me if you have any further questions.

